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Actualizado: 6 mar

Lexington Leadership Circles

Lexington hosted three Leadership Circles at the IBA Annual Conference 2023 in Paris. A series of invitation-only discussions with law firm leaders from around the world.

The Circle this year will discuss the requirements of a partner today (i.e. performance, remuneration, growth, promotion criteria, succession and equity distribution), using case studies as well as sharing participants personal experiences and lessons learned.

We will divide the specific topics into three sessions:

  1. 08.30h - 09.45h: Rethinking the "Perfect Partner": Reviewing new research on partner performance - expectations, goal-setting, evaluation and financial reward.

  2. 10.30h - 11.45h: Grow or Go: Evaluating the latest market trends in law firm growth - internal promotions, external mergers, entering new markets and international alliances.

  3. 16.00h - 17.15h: From Founder/s to Firm: Keys to success when transitioning to thenext generation–strategy, governance and ownership models.

Moray McLaren, Stephen Revell and Mari Cruz Taboada at Lexington Consultants will be sharing the data and feedback gained from Lexington’s research before an open and moderated discussion. I have attached more details for your information.

Attendance is by invitation only and available with limited space on a first-come-first-served basis. Chatham House Rule apply - all discussions are private and confidential.

If you are interested in joining one of the sessions, please contact us at


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